


Sprinkle饮用水,自给您配送开始,成为您最佳的饮用水伙伴 因此,Sprinkle 35年提供饮用水的历程,使我们能够在技术、设计和创新方面改变、发展和引领自己,在生活质量和健康方面保持领先。 让纯净的饮用水每天都在泰国人的生活方式中流动

M. Water Company Limited,泰国最大的饮用水生产商。成立于1985年,今天生产各种大小的瓶装水,名称为“Sprinkle”,经公共卫生部批准生产和销售瓶装水。获取食品注册号10-1-22829-1-0003并获得美国食品药品监督管理局 GMP 第30/354号认证。并获得 HACCP、ISO9001:2015 等领先机构的质量保证

Sprinkle 饮用水由 Better Choice Company Limited 负责分销。M. Water Company Limited 成立为在零售店、医院、餐馆和加油站销售瓶装水的经销商。 包括在曼谷及周边地区配送桶装饮用水

除了“Sprinkle”品牌的瓶装和桶装饮用水外,M. Water Company Limited 还为政府机构、企业机构、百货公司等200多家机构生产自有品牌饮用水。

用经验和保证每一滴水的质量为前提。Sprinkle 饮用水30余年来一直深受消费者信赖,目前M. Water Company Limited每年生产总量约2.5亿升饮用水。 曼谷及其周边地区有16个饮用水配送中心,拥有300多辆饮用水配送车辆



Sprinkle饮用水,自给您配送开始,成为您最佳的饮用水伙伴 因此,Sprinkle 35年提供饮用水的历程,使我们能够在技术、设计和创新方面改变、发展和引领自己,在生活质量和健康方面保持领先。 让纯净的饮用水每天都在泰国人的生活方式中流动

M. Water Company Limited,泰国最大的饮用水生产商。成立于1985年,今天生产各种大小的瓶装水,名称为“Sprinkle”,经公共卫生部批准生产和销售瓶装水。获取食品注册号10-1-22829-1-0003并获得美国食品药品监督管理局 GMP 第30/354号认证。并获得 HACCP、ISO9001:2015 等领先机构的质量保证

Sprinkle 饮用水由 Better Choice Company Limited 负责分销。M. Water Company Limited 成立为在零售店、医院、餐馆和加油站销售瓶装水的经销商。 包括在曼谷及周边地区配送桶装饮用水

除了“Sprinkle”品牌的瓶装和桶装饮用水外,M. Water Company Limited 还为政府机构、企业机构、百货公司等200多家机构生产自有品牌饮用水。

用经验和保证每一滴水的质量为前提。Sprinkle 饮用水30余年来一直深受消费者信赖,目前M. Water Company Limited每年生产总量约2.5亿升饮用水。 曼谷及其周边地区有16个饮用水配送中心,拥有300多辆饮用水配送车辆


corporate quality

因为每天到达您手上并接触您的嘴唇的Sprinkle饮用水的清洁度必须是绝对干净的。 我们采用现代技术通过过滤和杀菌工艺从天然水源取水。 每2小时进行一次随机质量检查,并定期送往两个国际认可实验室进行检查质量

corporate quality

我们所有的产品都管控定位为优质饮用水。拥有APHA、AWA、WEF的世界级质量控制,并通过了HACCP、ISO 9001:2015、GMP等多家机构的认证。

corporate quality
  • 步骤 1


  • 步骤 2


  • 步骤 3


  • 步骤 4








我们所有的产品都管控定位为优质饮用水。 拥有APHA、AWA、WEF的世界级质量控制,并通过了HACCP、ISO 9001:2015、GMP等多家机构的认证。

除了优质的产品质量。 Sprinkle 饮用水还因其精美的包装设计脱颖而出,并获得国际认可。 直至目前获得 Red Dot Award 2014 : Best of the best packaging design, iF Design Award 2014, Good Design Award 2013, DEmark Design Excellent Award等世界领先设计机构的多项包装设计奖项。

corporate quality



我们使用与制造婴儿奶瓶相同的塑料制成的饮用水水桶。 这确保了 Sprinkle 饮用水水桶具备出色的性能,也对每一滴饮用水的清洁度充满信心。每一个饮用水水桶,在重新循环使用之前,都必须经过多达 5 道标准清洗步骤。


  1. 使用通过了食品药品监督管理局的标准的清洗液进行清洗
  2. 使用兑消毒剂的热水进行外部清洗
  3. 使用高压清水冲洗
  4. 使用臭氧浓缩水清洗
  5. 使用随机包装的优质饮用水冲洗


corporate quality


Sprinkle 18.9L饮用水水桶盖专为一次性使用而设计。 因此,不使用螺帽以防止重复使用。 在桶盖上刻有明确的生产日期、月份、年份和有效期。确保清洁和安全可靠的国际生产标准


corporate quality play

因为每天到达您手上并接触您的嘴唇的Sprinkle饮用水的清洁度必须是绝对干净的。 我们采用现代技术通过过滤和杀菌工艺从天然水源取水。 每2小时进行一次随机质量检查,并定期送往两个国际认可实验室进行检查质量

我们所有的产品都管控定位为优质饮用水。拥有APHA、AWA、WEF的世界级质量控制,并通过了HACCP、ISO 9001:2015、GMP等多家机构的认证。

  • 步骤 1


  • 步骤 2


  • 步骤 3


  • 步骤 4







我们所有的产品都管控定位为优质饮用水。 拥有APHA、AWA、WEF的世界级质量控制,并通过了HACCP、ISO 9001:2015、GMP等多家机构的认证。

除了优质的产品质量。 Sprinkle 饮用水还因其精美的包装设计脱颖而出,并获得国际认可。 直至目前获得 Red Dot Award 2014 : Best of the best packaging design, iF Design Award 2014, Good Design Award 2013, DEmark Design Excellent Award等世界领先设计机构的多项包装设计奖项。

corporate quality



我们使用与制造婴儿奶瓶相同的塑料制成的饮用水水桶。 这确保了 Sprinkle 饮用水水桶具备出色的性能,也对每一滴饮用水的清洁度充满信心。每一个饮用水水桶,在重新循环使用之前,都必须经过多达 5 道标准清洗步骤。


  • 1. 使用通过了食品药品监督管理局的标准的清洗液进行清洗
  • 2. 使用兑消毒剂的热水进行外部清洗
  • 3. 使用高压清水冲洗
  • 4. 使用臭氧浓缩水清洗
  • 5. 使用随机包装的优质饮用水冲洗



Sprinkle 18.9L饮用水水桶盖专为一次性使用而设计。 因此,不使用螺帽以防止重复使用。 在桶盖上刻有明确的生产日期、月份、年份和有效期。确保清洁和安全可靠的国际生产标准


corporate delivery

在这个一切都在与时间赛跑的时代,使用系统可以让一切变得容易。因此使用 Sprinkle 饮用水的网络应用程序更容易,让一切都触手可及。我们具备16个饮用水配送中心,负责在曼谷及周边的16个地区提供饮用水,并且无需支付运费。


corporate delivery


corporate delivery

在这个一切都在与时间赛跑的时代,使用系统可以让一切变得容易。因此使用 Sprinkle 饮用水的网络应用程序更容易,让一切都触手可及。我们具备16个饮用水配送中心,负责在曼谷及周边的16个地区提供饮用水,并且无需支付运费。


corporate delivery

Sprinkle 饮用水 為您的企業清潔飲用水

  • Sprinkle 感謝所有顧客對我們的信任。
  • 我們很高興為您提供曼谷及其附近地區的 16 個飲用水配送中心
  • 擁有300多輛飲水送水車

Our Valued Customers

  • Bumrungrad Hospital
  • Phramongkutklao Hospital
  • Dental Hospital 2002
  • Rajavithi Hospital
  • Bhumibol Hospital
  • Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Department of Rural Roads Bureau of Mechanical and Communications
  • Department of Rural Roads Central Administrative Office
  • Department of Rural Roads analytical bureau research and development
  • Entomology and Zoology
  • Biological Pest Control Group
  • Insect Taxonomy Group
  • Expenditure Group, Finance Division, Department of Agriculture
  • Research Project Management Group Plant Protection Research Development Bureau
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Public Relations and Dissemination Group Central Administrative Office
  • Department of Rural Roads
  • Supplies Group, Division of Finance, Department of Agriculture
  • Postharvest Technology Research and Development Group
  • Finance Division Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Rural Roads Welfare Fund
  • Digital Industry Development Division
  • Innovation and Industrial Technology Development Division
  • Creative Industry Development Division
  • Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Branch 00001)
  • Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited
  • International Association for Education for Children (Headquarters)
  • Crown Food Packaging (Thailand) Public Company Limited
  • Kerry Express (Thailand) Public Company Limited (Head Office)
  • CPF (Thailand) Public Company Limited
  • Thai Agri Foods Public Company Limited
  • Thai Gypsum Products Public Company Limited
  • Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (Head Office)
  • Krungthai Card Public Company Limited
  • PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited
  • Unicord Public Company Limited
  • Salee Industry Public Company Limited (Head Office)
  • RS Public Company Limited
  • OHTL Public Company Limited
  • Central Trading Company Limited (Head Office)
  • Sodexo Services (Thailand) Company Limited (Head Office)
  • Dunlopillo (Thailand) Company Limited (Head Office)

接觸 18.9L

電話 02-7127272

LINE ID @sprinklewater

邮箱 Callcenter@sprinkle-th.com


電話 02-7127272

LINE ID @sprinklewater

邮箱 Sales@sprinkle-th.com




house brand
  • Email: phakwalan@sprinkle-th.com
  • Tel: 02 712 7272 分号 1006
  • Fax: 02 712 7496

M. Water Company Limited 在为各种机构生产瓶装水方面获得了信心,大家都相信符合标准的质量产品。公司现有客户如下

  • Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited
  • Bumrungrad Hospital
  • Wichaiyut Hospital
  • Welfare Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP)
  • Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Plc. (BAM)
  • Boots Shop (Boots)
  • BBQ Plaza Restaurant
  • Supalai Public Company Limited
  • Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
  • Origin Property Plc.
  • Siamese Asset Plc.
  • Helix Co., Ltd.
  • Army Housewives Association
  • Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Co., Ltd.


  • Email: phakwalan@sprinkle-th.com

  • Tel: 02 712 7272 分号 1006

  • Fax: 02 712 7496

M. Water Company Limited 在为各种机构生产瓶装水方面获得了信心,大家都相信符合标准的质量产品。公司现有客户如下

  • Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited

  • Bumrungrad Hospital

  • Wichaiyut Hospital

  • Welfare Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP)

  • Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Plc. (BAM)

  • Boots Shop (Boots)

  • BBQ Plaza Restaurant

  • Supalai Public Company Limited

  • Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

  • Origin Property Plc.

  • Siamese Asset Plc.

  • Helix Co., Ltd.

  • Army Housewives Association

  • Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Co., Ltd.

Sprinkle 饮用水为每个工作人员及配送人员分配了 COVID-19 的疫苗。

corporate-info covid

从目前正在加剧的 COVID-19 流行情况,M. Water Company Limited 谨通知会员,我司已向工作人员和配送人员提供疫苗注射,并预计到2021年8月能够为100%的员工接种疫苗。公司通过数据采集系统记录了员工的疫苗接种历史,以告知每位员工的疫苗接种情况,将公司在疫苗管理中的信息彻底传递给所以工作人员。

为使公司能够继续顺利地向会员提供安全标准的 Sprinkle 饮用水,并让会员建立信任放心。已接种 COVID-19 疫苗的配送人员将标记“我已接种疫苗”作为符号。会员可以在下表中查看您所在地区的配送人员接种疫苗的详细信息。

Sprinkle 饮用水为每个工作人员及配送人员分配了 COVID-19 的疫苗。

corp_covid image

从目前正在加剧的 COVID-19 流行情况,M. Water Company Limited 谨通知会员,我司已向工作人员和配送人员提供疫苗注射,并预计到2021年8月能够为100%的员工接种疫苗。公司通过数据采集系统记录了员工的疫苗接种历史,以告知每位员工的疫苗接种情况,将公司在疫苗管理中的信息彻底传递给所以工作人员。

为使公司能够继续顺利地向会员提供安全标准的 Sprinkle 饮用水,并让会员建立信任放心。已接种 COVID-19 疫苗的配送人员将标记“我已接种疫苗”作为符号。会员可以在下表中查看您所在地区的配送人员接种疫苗的详细信息。



18.9升桶装水送货上门服务和净水器是市场上两种流行的选择,选择方式取决于个人的具体需求和偏好。 本文旨在全面比较 Sprinkle 18.9升桶装水、其他品牌、净水器和会员使用净水器,帮助您根据清洁度、质量控制、便利性、成本、环境影响和售后服务来选择最适合您净水需求的净水器。




简而言之,如果您正在寻找可靠、价格合理、清洁度和质量都可控的饮用水,Sprinkle 饮用水是您最好的选择。 Sprinkle 全体员工为您全程提供服务。 因此,如果遇到饮用水质量或服务上的问题,您也不必担心。Sprinkle 饮用水所用水桶也是环保的。在另一方面,如果您正在寻找最方便的饮水方式,净水器也是较好的选择,因为它会安装在您的家里。但请注意水质和味道的不稳定,因为这是家用过滤器,而不是 Sprinkle 使用的工厂大型过滤器。而且过滤步骤相对要少得多。还必须考虑到老化、维护、定期更换过滤器、备件、维护成本和必须花费的时间。


18.9升桶装水送货上门服务和净水器是市场上两种流行的选择,选择方式取决于个人的具体需求和偏好。 本文旨在全面比较 Sprinkle 18.9升桶装水、其他品牌、净水器和会员使用净水器,帮助您根据清洁度、质量控制、便利性、成本、环境影响和售后服务来选择最适合您净水需求的净水器。


简而言之,如果您正在寻找可靠、价格合理、清洁度和质量都可控的饮用水,Sprinkle 饮用水是您最好的选择。 Sprinkle 全体员工为您全程提供服务。 因此,如果遇到饮用水质量或服务上的问题,您也不必担心。Sprinkle 饮用水所用水桶也是环保的。在另一方面,如果您正在寻找最方便的饮水方式,净水器也是较好的选择,因为它会安装在您的家里。但请注意水质和味道的不稳定,因为这是家用过滤器,而不是 Sprinkle 使用的工厂大型过滤器。而且过滤步骤相对要少得多。还必须考虑到老化、维护、定期更换过滤器、备件、维护成本和必须花费的时间。

Website Terms & Conditions
M. Water Company Limited


These Website Terms & Conditions cover all websites of M. Water Company Limited (“Sprinkle”) and apply to all individual and legal entity visiting and/or using websites of Sprinkle (“Visitor”)

Please thoroughly read these Website Terms & Conditions before any visit and/or use. Any use of websites of Sprinkle shall be deemed as the Visitor totally agrees to these Website Terms & Conditions. Sprinkle reserves the rights to amend these Website Terms & Conditions without any advance notice to all Visitors.


1.Membership Application

Any visit to the Sprinkle website does not need a membership. However, if the Visitor wishes to purchase Sprinkle drinking water, please apply for a membership at www.sprinkle-th.com. The Sprinkle drinking water can be purchased after becoming a member.

The current member can recommend the new applicant to receive rewards subject to the conditions specified by Sprinkle, please check the conditions at www.sprinkle-th.com.

If any member wishes to cancel the membership, please contact the Call Center at least 2 weeks in advance.


2.Intellectual Property

All texts, pictures, sounds, videos, contents, elements of websites, trademarks, service marks, names, trade names, patents, know-how, etc. appearing on websites are protected works under the laws. It is prohibited to copy, forge, reproduce, duplicate, modify, disclose to the public, sell, rent out, or perform any actions for any commercial or illegitimate interest from the foregoing intellectual property without an advance written approval of Sprinkle.


3.Sprinkle Drinking Water

Sprinkle has used its best efforts to give accurate and complete details of Sprinkle drinking water to the Visitor. However, the actual details may be changed while the details appearing on websites have not yet been changed. Please carefully check the details of Sprinkle drinking water appearing on an invoice. If there is any query, please contact the Call Center.

If any member discovers changes in color, taste, or odor in Sprinkle drinking water, Sprinkle will issue a replacement. Please follow this instruction:

1. Do not pour the water out of the bottle as it will be thoroughly checked by Sprinkle;
2. Separate the bottle;
3. Contact the Call Center at telephone number 02 712 7272, provide the member ID, name of contact person, and telephone number.


4.Use of Websites

Sprinkle has used its best efforts to develop and improve websites to be always in proper condition. However, Sprinkle cannot guarantee to the Visitors and members that the use of the website of Sprinkle will not cause any problems to devices and software used by the Visitors and members to access the website of Sprinkle. All Visitors and members agree to use the website of Sprinkle at their own risk.


5.Indemnification to Sprinkle

If any Visitor or member violates or does not comply these Website Terms & Conditions and/or performs any act or fails to perform any act which is required to be performed, negligently or intentionally, such Visitor or member must be responsible for any damage occurred to Sprinkle directly occurred by the action of the Visitor or member including the indirect and consequential damage of such action.


6.Privacy Policy 

Sprinkle has the Privacy Policy for the purpose of protection of personal data of the Visitors and members subject to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) which can be checked at www.sprinkle-th.com.


7.Force Majeure 

All Visitors and members acknowledge that in the event of any failures of websites due to any force majeure event, including but not limited to, any act of god, power failure, technical failure which is not occurred by gross negligence of Sprinkle, or any event beyond the control of Sprinkle, Sprinkle does not have to be responsible for the Visitors and members for any damage occurred against such Visitors and members.


8.Refund Policy

If any member is unhappy with the quality of Sprinkle drinking water, Sprinkle is willing to refund the money in full.


9.Applicable Laws

These Website Terms & Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Thailand.


10.Cookie consent

We use cookies to improve your experience on our website, personalize content, and analyze traffic. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our use of cookies


11.Contact Sprinkle

In the event that any Visitor or member has any query, suggestion, or comment in relation to these Website Terms & Conditions, or does not get Sprinkle drinking water as scheduled, or has any problem, please contact the Call Center at below channels:

Telephone Number: 02 712 7272 (07:00 – 21:00 hrs. everyday)

Fax: 02 533 4630

Line ID: @sprinklewater (07:00 – 20:00 hrs. everyday)

Facebook: Sprinkle Drinking Water (08:00 – 17:00 hrs. Mon - Sat)

Email: info@sprinkle-th.com

Website: https://www.sprinkle-th.com

Mail: M. Water Co., Ltd.

244/365 Soi Vibhavadee-Rangsit 43, Sanambin, Donmueng, Bangkok 10210

Website Terms & Conditions
M. Water Company Limited


These Website Terms & Conditions cover all websites of M. Water Company Limited (“Sprinkle”) and apply to all individual and legal entity visiting and/or using websites of Sprinkle (“Visitor”)

Please thoroughly read these Website Terms & Conditions before any visit and/or use. Any use of websites of Sprinkle shall be deemed as the Visitor totally agrees to these Website Terms & Conditions. Sprinkle reserves the rights to amend these Website Terms & Conditions without any advance notice to all Visitors.


1.Membership Application

Any visit to the Sprinkle website does not need a membership. However, if the Visitor wishes to purchase Sprinkle drinking water, please apply for a membership at www.sprinkle-th.com. The Sprinkle drinking water can be purchased after becoming a member.

The current member can recommend the new applicant to receive rewards subject to the conditions specified by Sprinkle, please check the conditions at www.sprinkle-th.com.

If any member wishes to cancel the membership, please contact the Call Center at least 2 weeks in advance.


2.Intellectual Property

All texts, pictures, sounds, videos, contents, elements of websites, trademarks, service marks, names, trade names, patents, know-how, etc. appearing on websites are protected works under the laws. It is prohibited to copy, forge, reproduce, duplicate, modify, disclose to the public, sell, rent out, or perform any actions for any commercial or illegitimate interest from the foregoing intellectual property without an advance written approval of Sprinkle.


3.Sprinkle Drinking Water

Sprinkle has used its best efforts to give accurate and complete details of Sprinkle drinking water to the Visitor. However, the actual details may be changed while the details appearing on websites have not yet been changed. Please carefully check the details of Sprinkle drinking water appearing on an invoice. If there is any query, please contact the Call Center.

If any member discovers changes in color, taste, or odor in Sprinkle drinking water, Sprinkle will issue a replacement. Please follow this instruction:

1. Do not pour the water out of the bottle as it will be thoroughly checked by Sprinkle;
2. Separate the bottle;
3. Contact the Call Center at telephone number 02 712 7272, provide the member ID, name of contact person, and telephone number.


4.Use of Websites

Sprinkle has used its best efforts to develop and improve websites to be always in proper condition. However, Sprinkle cannot guarantee to the Visitors and members that the use of the website of Sprinkle will not cause any problems to devices and software used by the Visitors and members to access the website of Sprinkle. All Visitors and members agree to use the website of Sprinkle at their own risk.


5.Indemnification to Sprinkle

If any Visitor or member violates or does not comply these Website Terms & Conditions and/or performs any act or fails to perform any act which is required to be performed, negligently or intentionally, such Visitor or member must be responsible for any damage occurred to Sprinkle directly occurred by the action of the Visitor or member including the indirect and consequential damage of such action.


6.Privacy Policy 

Sprinkle has the Privacy Policy for the purpose of protection of personal data of the Visitors and members subject to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) which can be checked at www.sprinkle-th.com.


7.Force Majeure 

All Visitors and members acknowledge that in the event of any failures of websites due to any force majeure event, including but not limited to, any act of god, power failure, technical failure which is not occurred by gross negligence of Sprinkle, or any event beyond the control of Sprinkle, Sprinkle does not have to be responsible for the Visitors and members for any damage occurred against such Visitors and members.


8.Refund Policy

If any member is unhappy with the quality of Sprinkle drinking water, Sprinkle is willing to refund the money in full.


9.Applicable Laws

These Website Terms & Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Thailand.


10.Cookie consent

We use cookies to improve your experience on our website, personalize content, and analyze traffic. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our use of cookies


11.Contact Sprinkle

In the event that any Visitor or member has any query, suggestion, or comment in relation to these Website Terms & Conditions, or does not get Sprinkle drinking water as scheduled, or has any problem, please contact the Call Center at below channels:

Telephone Number: 02 712 7272 (07:00 – 21:00 hrs. everyday)

Fax: 02 533 4630

Line ID: @sprinklewater (07:00 – 20:00 hrs. everyday)

Facebook: Sprinkle Drinking Water (08:00 – 17:00 hrs. Mon - Sat)

Email: info@sprinkle-th.com

Website: https://www.sprinkle-th.com

Mail: M. Water Co., Ltd.

244/365 Soi Vibhavadee-Rangsit 43, Sanambin, Donmueng, Bangkok 10210



“Sprinkle 饮用水”旨在让所有尊贵的客户在使用服务时获得最高的满意度。如因我司原因造成产品损坏,我司愿意在客户收到产品后7日内更换或退货,但以本公司规定的条件为准。




Customers can submit a refund or return a request for the following reasons and conditions:


18.9 升桶装水:


饮用水受污染 或 存在不明物体





饮用水受污染 或 存在不明物体






缺少设备配件 或没有网站上描述的所有设备配件






缺少设备配件 或没有网站上描述的所有设备配件











如果收到的产品无法正常使用、过期、产品不完整、产品损坏。请于收到产品的 7 天内致电 02-712-7272 联系客服人员或发送电子邮件至 info@sprinkle-th.com 请附上会员号信息,姓名,产品损坏图片,并说明情况。


当我司的客服人员确认您的诉求符合规格时,公司将与您预约收回产品。 请按照我司客服人员推荐的步骤进行操作。 若退回的产品有改动、损坏、设备不完整 或不符合退换状态,我司将拒绝更换产品或退款, 并将再次发送当下产品给到客户。



如果客户收到与订单不符的产品,请于收到产品的 7 天内联系客服人员并提供购买者信息、订单号、客户收到的错误产品图片。当我司的客服人员确认您的诉求符合规格时,公司将与您预约收回产品。 请按照我司客服人员推荐的步骤进行操作。规定是:产品必须处于原始状态,包装没有被打开或撕破,标签和吊牌仍然完好无损。 除非有可能是偶然发生的异常情况,取决于收到的或出现在包装上的信息。


* 如客户退货但不符合退货条件,产品将退还给客户,客户必须自行承担运费。如果退回的产品有改动、损坏、不完整,或客户收到产品后超过 7 天,我司拒绝一切退货和退款请求。





M. Water Company Limited

客服中心: 02-712-7272

Line: @sprinklewater

电子邮箱: info@sprinkle-th.com

营业时间:周一至周六 08.30-17.00



身份证复印件带签字 1 份

银行存折首页复印件带签字 1 份(身份证复印件上的姓名和帐户名称必须与购买者的姓名一致)



银行存折首页复印件 1 份


公司营业执照复印件,日期不超过 180 天。




1、会员将 Sprinkle水桶归还公司时,公司将退还 Sprinkle水桶押金。在正常使用情况下,押金将按会员在公司存放的水桶数量退还。如果 Sprinkle 水桶损坏、受污染、无法清洗和重复使用、被放入饮用水以外的其他产品,可能会导致青苔形成或出现异味,我司将拒绝退还水桶押金及收回水桶。


2.如果会员不换水或取消 Sprinkle 饮用水会员,请在 90 天内将正常使用状态的水桶归还我司。


3. 我司保留从水桶押金中扣除未支付饮用水券的权利。


4. 接收水桶押金

4.1 我司将以汇款的形式汇入会员的银行账户。 会员须附上退回水桶申请书原件连同银行存折首页副本,邮寄至我司或给到回收水桶的配送人员手中。 或者您也可以通过 Line 和 邮件形式进行联系,我司将按照各银行规定的汇率扣除转账手续费。

4.2 亲自到 M. Water Company Limited 领取。地址:No. 244/365 Soi Vibhavadi Rangsit 43, Sanam Bin Subdistrict, Don Mueang District, Bangkok 10210 联系号码: 02-712-7272 分机号:1100 会员于15天后带上水桶申请书原件,领取水桶押金支票。或授权他人代为处理





5. 我司仅以会员名义退还押金。 如若需更改接收人,请授权他人代您收款,并附上授权。


6. 若会员遗失退回水桶申请书,可到警察局进行登记,随后带上登记书索回水桶押金。



“Sprinkle 饮用水”旨在让所有尊贵的客户在使用服务时获得最高的满意度。如因我司原因造成产品损坏,我司愿意在客户收到产品后7日内更换或退货,但以本公司规定的条件为准。




Customers can submit a refund or return a request for the following reasons and conditions:


18.9 升桶装水:


饮用水受污染 或 存在不明物体





饮用水受污染 或 存在不明物体






缺少设备配件 或没有网站上描述的所有设备配件






缺少设备配件 或没有网站上描述的所有设备配件











如果收到的产品无法正常使用、过期、产品不完整、产品损坏。请于收到产品的 7 天内致电 02-712-7272 联系客服人员或发送电子邮件至 info@sprinkle-th.com 请附上会员号信息,姓名,产品损坏图片,并说明情况。


当我司的客服人员确认您的诉求符合规格时,公司将与您预约收回产品。 请按照我司客服人员推荐的步骤进行操作。 若退回的产品有改动、损坏、设备不完整 或不符合退换状态,我司将拒绝更换产品或退款, 并将再次发送当下产品给到客户。



如果客户收到与订单不符的产品,请于收到产品的 7 天内联系客服人员并提供购买者信息、订单号、客户收到的错误产品图片。当我司的客服人员确认您的诉求符合规格时,公司将与您预约收回产品。 请按照我司客服人员推荐的步骤进行操作。规定是:产品必须处于原始状态,包装没有被打开或撕破,标签和吊牌仍然完好无损。 除非有可能是偶然发生的异常情况,取决于收到的或出现在包装上的信息。


* 如客户退货但不符合退货条件,产品将退还给客户,客户必须自行承担运费。如果退回的产品有改动、损坏、不完整,或客户收到产品后超过 7 天,我司拒绝一切退货和退款请求。





M. Water Company Limited

客服中心: 02-712-7272

Line: @sprinklewater

电子邮箱: info@sprinkle-th.com

营业时间:周一至周六 08.30-17.00



身份证复印件带签字 1 份

银行存折首页复印件带签字 1 份(身份证复印件上的姓名和帐户名称必须与购买者的姓名一致)



银行存折首页复印件 1 份


公司营业执照复印件,日期不超过 180 天。




1、会员将 Sprinkle水桶归还公司时,公司将退还 Sprinkle水桶押金。在正常使用情况下,押金将按会员在公司存放的水桶数量退还。如果 Sprinkle 水桶损坏、受污染、无法清洗和重复使用、被放入饮用水以外的其他产品,可能会导致青苔形成或出现异味,我司将拒绝退还水桶押金及收回水桶。


2.如果会员不换水或取消 Sprinkle 饮用水会员,请在 90 天内将正常使用状态的水桶归还我司。


3. 我司保留从水桶押金中扣除未支付饮用水券的权利。


4. 接收水桶押金

4.1 我司将以汇款的形式汇入会员的银行账户。 会员须附上退回水桶申请书原件连同银行存折首页副本,邮寄至我司或给到回收水桶的配送人员手中。 或者您也可以通过 Line 和 邮件形式进行联系,我司将按照各银行规定的汇率扣除转账手续费。

4.2 亲自到 M. Water Company Limited 领取。地址:No. 244/365 Soi Vibhavadi Rangsit 43, Sanam Bin Subdistrict, Don Mueang District, Bangkok 10210 联系号码: 02-712-7272 分机号:1100 会员于15天后带上水桶申请书原件,领取水桶押金支票。或授权他人代为处理





5. 我司仅以会员名义退还押金。 如若需更改接收人,请授权他人代您收款,并附上授权。


6. 若会员遗失退回水桶申请书,可到警察局进行登记,随后带上登记书索回水桶押金。

Privacy Policy
Water Company Limited


M. Water Company Limited (the “Company”) recognizes the importance of the protection of your Personal Data which has already been provided or will be provided to the Company in the future. The protection is our responsibility for our customers and business partners by complying with laws and regulations relating to the protection of the Personal Data. Therefore, the Company has prepared this Privacy Policy for your understanding of the procedures of the Company in relation to the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Data subject to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019).



  • “Company” means M. Water Company Limited;
  • “Affiliates” means Better choices Company Limited;
  • “Company’s Website” means websites of the Company and Affiliates, including but not limited to, www.sprinkle-th.com
  • “Data Subject” means an individual whose Personal Data is collected, use, and disclosed by the Company, including but not limited to, customers, business partners, and interested parties of the Company;
  • “Personal Data” means any information relating to a person enabling the identification of such person, whether directly or indirectly, but not including the information of the deceased person in particular subject to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) and its amendments as well as related laws;
  • “Data Controller” means an individual or a legal entity having the power and duties to make decision regarding the collection, use, or disclosure of the Personal Data;
  • “Data Processor” means an individual or a legal entity operating in relation to the collection, use, or disclosure of the Personal Data pursuant to the orders given by or on behalf of a Data Controller;
  • “Cookie” means small files which the Company’s Website will place on your computer devices and/or communication devices, e.g., tablets, smartphones when connected to the internet through web browser during the access to or use of the Company’s Website, for the purpose of collecting the Personal Data;
  • “Applicable Law” means the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) and its amendments as well as related laws.


2.Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Data

The Company collects your Personal Data as follows:

  • Collecting by the Company when you access and use the Company’s Website;
  • Collecting by the Company when you apply for a membership to purchase goods and services of the Company;
  • Receiving the Personal Data from the Affiliates;
  • Receiving the Personal Data from a third party, including but not limited to, business partners of the Company

The Company will collect, use, and disclose the Personal Data as necessary subject to the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy in the event that:

  • You give Company a consent subject to the Applicable Law;
  • It is necessary for the performance of the contract to which you are a party, or in order to take any actions at your request prior to entering into such contract;
  • It is for preventing or suppressing a danger to a person’s life, body, or health;
  • It is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company or any individual or legal entity other than the Company, except where such legitimate interests are overridden by your fundamental rights of your Personal Data;
  • It is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest by the Company, or it is necessary for the exercising of official authority vested in the Company;
  • Acting in compliance with laws;
  • It is for the achievement of the purpose relating to the preparation of the historical documents or the archives for public interest, or for the purpose relating to research or statistics, where the Company will provide suitable measures to safeguard your rights and freedoms.


3.Personal Data to be Collected  

During your access to or use of the Company’s Website as well as purchasing goods and services from the Company, the Company may be required to collect or receive your Personal Data as follows:

  • Individual Information, including but not limited to, titles, name-surname, gender, identification number;

  • Contact Information, including but not limited to, telephone number, e-mail address, billing address and delivery address;
  • Membership Information, including but not limited to, membership number;
  • Purchase of Goods and Services Information, including but not limited to, number, date, and time of purchase orders, amount, date, and time of payment, date and time of goods receipt;
  • Financial Information, including but not limited to, number, type, issuance date, expiration date, and cardholder name or the debit and/or credit card as well as bank account number;
  • Behavioral Information relating to Purchase of Goods and Services, including but not limited to, behavioral information relating to purchase of goods and services from the Company and/or Affiliates, and Cookie.


4.Purposes of Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Data     

The Company collects your Personal Data for the use and disclosure subject to the purposes as follows:

  • For sales and deliveries of current goods and services and those in the future;
  • For communications and fostering good relationship between you and the Company;
  • For offering benefits and advices relating to goods and services of the Company;
  • For processes and analyses for the purpose of improving goods and services deemed appropriate to your needs;
  • For market research and analyses, surveys, analyses of statistics and trends in relation to goods and services of the Company;
  • For inspections and preventions of any acts which violate or may violate laws, and remedy of damages which may occur;
  • For compliances with government agencies’ orders and Applicable Law;
  • For protection of businesses of the Company as well as your and any person’s rights subject to laws.


5.Period and Place for Retaining Personal Data   

The Company will retain the Personal Data as long as it is necessary in accordance with the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy as well as laws and statute of limitation, except where such Personal Data is during the legal procedure or process of government agencies.

The Company will retain the Personal Data in the place suitable for forms and types of the Personal Data having security and safety measures subject to the Applicable Law.


6.Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

The Company may disclose the Personal Data to third parties as follows:

  • To the Affiliates for marketing purpose;
  • To the business partners of the Company for deliveries of goods and services;
  • To government agencies and officials for compliance with related laws and orders.


7.Sending or Transferring Personal Data Overseas

The Company may send or transfer the Personal Data overseas by which the Company will arrange the receiving organizations of the Personal Data to have the Personal Data protection standard which is sufficient and in compliance with the Applicable Law.


8.Rights of Data Subject and Processing Period

In the event that the Company collects, use, and disclose your Personal Data subject to the purposes stated in the Privacy Policy, you may submit a request to exercise your rights subject to the Applicable Law and this Privacy Policy as follows:

  • Right to withdraw the consent for the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Data by the Company throughout the period which your Personal Data has been retained by the Company, except where there are restrictions of withdrawal of consent subject to laws or contracts giving benefits to you (Processing Period is 7 days);
  • Right to access and receive copies of the Personal Data concerning you which are under responsibilities of the Company, and to request the Company to disclose the way your Personal Data was collected without your consent (Processing Period is 30 days);
  • Right to receive the Personal Data concerning you from the Company in case that the Company arranges such Personal Data to be in the format which is readable or commonly used by ways of automatic tools or equipment, and can be used or disclosed by automated means, including to request the Company to send or transfer the Personal Data in such format to other Data Controllers if it can be done by the automated means, and to request to directly obtain the Personal Data in such format that the Company sends or transfers to other Data Controllers unless it is impossible to do so because of the technical circumstances (Processing Period is 30 days);
  • Right to object the collection, use, or disclosure of the Personal Data concerning you at any time. Where the Personal Data is collected, used, or disclosed for the legitimate interests of the Company or third parties which are not overridden by your fundamental rights of your Personal Data, or the performance of a task carried out in the public interest by the Company, or the exercising of official authority vested in the Company, the Company will continue the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Data if the Company can prove the legitimate interests overriding your fundamental rights, or exercising of legal claims, or defense of legal claims (Processing Period is 30 days);
  • Right to request the Company to erase, or destroy, or anonymize the Personal Data to become the anonymous data which cannot identify the Data Subject in the event you consider that the Personal Data is no longer necessary to be retained subject to the purposes by the Company, or you believe that your Personal Data was unlawfully collected, used, and disclosed, or you have already requested to withdraw your consent or objected, and the Company cannot reject such request (Processing Period is 30 days);
  • Right to request the Company to restrict the use of your Personal Data which is under the verification process subject to the right to request the Company to amend your Personal Data, or under your objection, or such Personal Data is no longer to be retained subject to the purposes by the Company and must be erased or destroyed subject to the Applicable Law, but you request the restriction of the use instead (Processing Period is 30 days);
  • Right to request the Company to amend your Personal Data to be accurate, up-to-date, complete, and not misleading (Processing Period is 7 days).

You can exercise your aforementioned rights by fill in and submit the request form to the responsible person of the Company. The exercise of your rights may be restricted subject to the Applicable Law and may be rejected by the Company subject to the foregoing reasons or other reasons subject to the Applicable Law. You will be notified of the decision of the Company on your request with supporting reasons where your request is rejected within the specified period.


9.Data Protection Officer  

The Company has appointed the Data Protection Officer with working committee for investigations of the performance of the Company relating to the collection, use, and disclosure of the Personal Data subject to the Applicable Law, as well as giving related advices, including coordination and cooperation with the Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee for any related matters, and to perform any duties subject to the Applicable Law.


10.Contact the Company and/or Data Protection Officer 

If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to exercise your rights in relation to the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Data, you can contact the Company and/or the Data Protection Officer via the following channels:


Water Co., Ltd. (Sales Office)

283/50 Home Place Office Building,

11/Flr. Soi Sukhumvit 55 (Thonglor 13),

Sukhumvit Road, Kwaeng Klongtonnua,

Khet Wattana, Bangkok 10110

Tel. 02-712-7272

E-mail: info@sprinkle-th.com


If you believe that the Company does not comply with the Applicable Law or this Privacy Policy, you can complain to the Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee via the following channels:


Tel. 02-142-1033, 02-141-6996 (Administration Subdivision)

or 02-141-6668, 02-141-6771 (Legal Subdivision)

E-mail: pdpc@mdes .go.th

120 Moo 3, the Government Complex Commemorating

His Majesty the King’s 80th Birthday Anniversary,

Ratthaprasasanabhakti Building (Building B),

7th Floor, Chaengwattana Road,

Thung Song Hong Subdistrict, Laksi District, Bangkok 10210


12.Amendment of Privacy Policy

The Company reserves the rights to amend this Privacy Policy as deemed necessary and appropriate subject to the Applicable Law. Any amendment will be published on the Company’s Website.

Privacy Policy
Water Company Limited


M. Water Company Limited (the “Company”) recognizes the importance of the protection of your Personal Data which has already been provided or will be provided to the Company in the future. The protection is our responsibility for our customers and business partners by complying with laws and regulations relating to the protection of the Personal Data. Therefore, the Company has prepared this Privacy Policy for your understanding of the procedures of the Company in relation to the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Data subject to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019).



  • “Company” means M. Water Company Limited;
  • “Affiliates” means Better choices Company Limited;
  • “Company’s Website” means websites of the Company and Affiliates, including but not limited to, www.sprinkle-th.com
  • “Data Subject” means an individual whose Personal Data is collected, use, and disclosed by the Company, including but not limited to, customers, business partners, and interested parties of the Company;
  • “Personal Data” means any information relating to a person enabling the identification of such person, whether directly or indirectly, but not including the information of the deceased person in particular subject to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) and its amendments as well as related laws;
  • “Data Controller” means an individual or a legal entity having the power and duties to make decision regarding the collection, use, or disclosure of the Personal Data;
  • “Data Processor” means an individual or a legal entity operating in relation to the collection, use, or disclosure of the Personal Data pursuant to the orders given by or on behalf of a Data Controller;
  • “Cookie” means small files which the Company’s Website will place on your computer devices and/or communication devices, e.g., tablets, smartphones when connected to the internet through web browser during the access to or use of the Company’s Website, for the purpose of collecting the Personal Data;
  • “Applicable Law” means the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) and its amendments as well as related laws.


2.Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Data

The Company collects your Personal Data as follows:

  • Collecting by the Company when you access and use the Company’s Website;
  • Collecting by the Company when you apply for a membership to purchase goods and services of the Company;
  • Receiving the Personal Data from the Affiliates;
  • Receiving the Personal Data from a third party, including but not limited to, business partners of the Company

The Company will collect, use, and disclose the Personal Data as necessary subject to the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy in the event that:

  • You give Company a consent subject to the Applicable Law;
  • It is necessary for the performance of the contract to which you are a party, or in order to take any actions at your request prior to entering into such contract;
  • It is for preventing or suppressing a danger to a person’s life, body, or health;
  • It is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company or any individual or legal entity other than the Company, except where such legitimate interests are overridden by your fundamental rights of your Personal Data;
  • It is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest by the Company, or it is necessary for the exercising of official authority vested in the Company;
  • Acting in compliance with laws;
  • It is for the achievement of the purpose relating to the preparation of the historical documents or the archives for public interest, or for the purpose relating to research or statistics, where the Company will provide suitable measures to safeguard your rights and freedoms.


3.Personal Data to be Collected  

During your access to or use of the Company’s Website as well as purchasing goods and services from the Company, the Company may be required to collect or receive your Personal Data as follows:

  • Individual Information, including but not limited to, titles, name-surname, gender, identification number;

  • Contact Information, including but not limited to, telephone number, e-mail address, billing address and delivery address;
  • Membership Information, including but not limited to, membership number;
  • Purchase of Goods and Services Information, including but not limited to, number, date, and time of purchase orders, amount, date, and time of payment, date and time of goods receipt;
  • Financial Information, including but not limited to, number, type, issuance date, expiration date, and cardholder name or the debit and/or credit card as well as bank account number;
  • Behavioral Information relating to Purchase of Goods and Services, including but not limited to, behavioral information relating to purchase of goods and services from the Company and/or Affiliates, and Cookie.


4.Purposes of Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Data     

The Company collects your Personal Data for the use and disclosure subject to the purposes as follows:

  • For sales and deliveries of current goods and services and those in the future;
  • For communications and fostering good relationship between you and the Company;
  • For offering benefits and advices relating to goods and services of the Company;
  • For processes and analyses for the purpose of improving goods and services deemed appropriate to your needs;
  • For market research and analyses, surveys, analyses of statistics and trends in relation to goods and services of the Company;
  • For inspections and preventions of any acts which violate or may violate laws, and remedy of damages which may occur;
  • For compliances with government agencies’ orders and Applicable Law;
  • For protection of businesses of the Company as well as your and any person’s rights subject to laws.


5.Period and Place for Retaining Personal Data   

The Company will retain the Personal Data as long as it is necessary in accordance with the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy as well as laws and statute of limitation, except where such Personal Data is during the legal procedure or process of government agencies.

The Company will retain the Personal Data in the place suitable for forms and types of the Personal Data having security and safety measures subject to the Applicable Law.


6.Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

The Company may disclose the Personal Data to third parties as follows:

  • To the Affiliates for marketing purpose;
  • To the business partners of the Company for deliveries of goods and services;
  • To government agencies and officials for compliance with related laws and orders.


7.Sending or Transferring Personal Data Overseas

The Company may send or transfer the Personal Data overseas by which the Company will arrange the receiving organizations of the Personal Data to have the Personal Data protection standard which is sufficient and in compliance with the Applicable Law.


8.Rights of Data Subject and Processing Period

In the event that the Company collects, use, and disclose your Personal Data subject to the purposes stated in the Privacy Policy, you may submit a request to exercise your rights subject to the Applicable Law and this Privacy Policy as follows:

  • Right to withdraw the consent for the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Data by the Company throughout the period which your Personal Data has been retained by the Company, except where there are restrictions of withdrawal of consent subject to laws or contracts giving benefits to you (Processing Period is 7 days);
  • Right to access and receive copies of the Personal Data concerning you which are under responsibilities of the Company, and to request the Company to disclose the way your Personal Data was collected without your consent (Processing Period is 30 days);
  • Right to receive the Personal Data concerning you from the Company in case that the Company arranges such Personal Data to be in the format which is readable or commonly used by ways of automatic tools or equipment, and can be used or disclosed by automated means, including to request the Company to send or transfer the Personal Data in such format to other Data Controllers if it can be done by the automated means, and to request to directly obtain the Personal Data in such format that the Company sends or transfers to other Data Controllers unless it is impossible to do so because of the technical circumstances (Processing Period is 30 days);
  • Right to object the collection, use, or disclosure of the Personal Data concerning you at any time. Where the Personal Data is collected, used, or disclosed for the legitimate interests of the Company or third parties which are not overridden by your fundamental rights of your Personal Data, or the performance of a task carried out in the public interest by the Company, or the exercising of official authority vested in the Company, the Company will continue the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Data if the Company can prove the legitimate interests overriding your fundamental rights, or exercising of legal claims, or defense of legal claims (Processing Period is 30 days);
  • Right to request the Company to erase, or destroy, or anonymize the Personal Data to become the anonymous data which cannot identify the Data Subject in the event you consider that the Personal Data is no longer necessary to be retained subject to the purposes by the Company, or you believe that your Personal Data was unlawfully collected, used, and disclosed, or you have already requested to withdraw your consent or objected, and the Company cannot reject such request (Processing Period is 30 days);
  • Right to request the Company to restrict the use of your Personal Data which is under the verification process subject to the right to request the Company to amend your Personal Data, or under your objection, or such Personal Data is no longer to be retained subject to the purposes by the Company and must be erased or destroyed subject to the Applicable Law, but you request the restriction of the use instead (Processing Period is 30 days);
  • Right to request the Company to amend your Personal Data to be accurate, up-to-date, complete, and not misleading (Processing Period is 7 days).

You can exercise your aforementioned rights by fill in and submit the request form to the responsible person of the Company. The exercise of your rights may be restricted subject to the Applicable Law and may be rejected by the Company subject to the foregoing reasons or other reasons subject to the Applicable Law. You will be notified of the decision of the Company on your request with supporting reasons where your request is rejected within the specified period.


9.Data Protection Officer  

The Company has appointed the Data Protection Officer with working committee for investigations of the performance of the Company relating to the collection, use, and disclosure of the Personal Data subject to the Applicable Law, as well as giving related advices, including coordination and cooperation with the Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee for any related matters, and to perform any duties subject to the Applicable Law.


10.Contact the Company and/or Data Protection Officer 

If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to exercise your rights in relation to the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Data, you can contact the Company and/or the Data Protection Officer via the following channels:


Water Co., Ltd. (Sales Office)

283/50 Home Place Office Building,

11/Flr. Soi Sukhumvit 55 (Thonglor 13),

Sukhumvit Road, Kwaeng Klongtonnua,

Khet Wattana, Bangkok 10110

Tel. 02-712-7272

E-mail: info@sprinkle-th.com


If you believe that the Company does not comply with the Applicable Law or this Privacy Policy, you can complain to the Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee via the following channels:


Tel. 02-142-1033, 02-141-6996 (Administration Subdivision)

or 02-141-6668, 02-141-6771 (Legal Subdivision)

E-mail: pdpc@mdes .go.th

120 Moo 3, the Government Complex Commemorating

His Majesty the King’s 80th Birthday Anniversary,

Ratthaprasasanabhakti Building (Building B),

7th Floor, Chaengwattana Road,

Thung Song Hong Subdistrict, Laksi District, Bangkok 10210


12.Amendment of Privacy Policy

The Company reserves the rights to amend this Privacy Policy as deemed necessary and appropriate subject to the Applicable Law. Any amendment will be published on the Company’s Website.

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